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in SoSci Survey (English) by s164174 (110 points)

I am creating an experiment using Sosci Survey. It requires me to make questions in which the participant has to click on an audio embedded in the question, listen to it, and then look at an image as part of the question. How do I embed audio in my survey? And how do I link each question, that contains a different audio file to either Condition 1,2,or 3 (I will have three conditions)?

1 Answer

0 votes
by s091203 (1.2k points)

You can read in the user manual in the chapter Incorporating Audio Files how you can embend an audio in the questionaire.

On the side Randomization you can also read about how to randomise the audio file and how to link them to different conditions.

If you still can not solve the problem, feel free to contact me again!

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