0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s142107 (130 points)
edited by s139847

Dear all,
I have two versions of a questionnaire (EN and DE).
Images contain text and should be adjusted, depending on the language.
How do I change images for the respective language?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by s139847 (2.7k points)


this option is in future plans for SoSci Survey, but sadly you can't do that with native options right now.
However, here's what you can do: instead of dragging the images directly into your questionnaire, you can write a filter with PHP that uses getLanguage() to show the right image. the HTML you need is under Images in the Questionnaire, just remember that you need to put HTML Code inside html('HTML HERE'); to use it in a PHP code window.

Hope that helps!

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