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in SoSci Survey (English) by s142617 (120 points)

Hey SoSci community,

we want to conduct a two-part study but are using SoSci Survey for the first time. We are struggling with the part that interrupts the last two survey parts (we combined them into one part), thus having:

1) a first set of questions with an opt-in questions and
2) a combined part consisting of the interrupter and the second set of questions.

Participants will be recruited via a link posted on social media platforms, etc. For the second part of the study they will then invited for the second part of the study via e-mail. We want the e-mail to be sent 24 to the participant's mail account after the first part of the study. The interrupting part looks like this:

// Check how much time has elapsed since the start of the survey
// If this is less than 24 hours (24 3600 seconds), the questionnaire will be paused
if (caseTime('begin') < 24
3600) {
text('end1'); // displayed at the end of the first part
option('resume', true); // prevent indication to resume questionnaire
option('nextbutton', false); // hide the Next button (pause questionnaire)
// Send ID 3 mailing tomorrow at the same time (i.e. in exactly 24 hours)
mailResume(false, 3, 24 * 3600);
} else {
// Did the participant return after 24 hours? If so, continue questionnaire

When running through the survey parts we get the following errors on the page with the interruptor code:

Questionnaire Error (page 6)
There is no text with the ID end1 in this survey project.
Questionnaire Error (page 6)
A mailing with ID 3, as specified in mailResume(), was not found. Please create a new mailing and specify it's ID.

We are not sure how to resolve this issue. We appreciate any kind of help, thanks a lot!

1 Answer

0 votes
by s139847 (2.7k points)

Well, it seems like you don't have a text with the ID 'end1', as the wiki example has. That's what that line is trying to display. Also, since you copy pasted the whole thing, it tries to send a serial mail with the ID 3, which in you case also does not exist, you need to switch that out with the ID of your own mail.


by s142617 (120 points)
Hey thank you very much for your quick response!
Yes we were not so sure about the ID part. Doesn't everybody get their own ID? How are we supposed to know the id of our own mail? Thanks again!
by s139847 (2.7k points)
The ID of your serial mail is right on the left hand side of the page that displays all the serial mails you have configured. In this case it's just the specific ID of that mail, it has nothing to do with each participants' own SERIAL, which is the number that's unique or each of them.

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