0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s123749 (110 points)


I am doing a pre-test and we have collected 210 records (this is shown in the menue "Erhobene Daten" / "Daten ansehen".

I downloaded the data via "Daten herunterladen" for SPSS. I followed the instructions to start the syntax in SPSS. The file is empty.

Even the first line is not filled with the correct variable names.

I also downloaded the file in csv-format and opende the file in Excel. The file is also empty.

What is wrong?

I really appreciate any hint to fix the problem.

Thank you so much.

best regards.

1 Answer

0 votes
by s109993 (12.2k points)

You may want to check in the category "Erhobene Daten" and "Auswahlkriterien für gültige Fälle" if any criteria is selected which makes your 210 records invalid.

Best Regards

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