0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s180151 (110 points)

Under the "Check Preconditions for Free Use," my survey meets the preconditions, but at the bottom of the page there is no button to create a new project. There is only a "back"-button.

When I instead create a test-project with the intention of upgrading the project background, the same thing happens: I fill out (and meet) the preconditions but at the bottom there's only a "back"-button available.

I've created new projects before without a problem, but now I can't seem to do so. Is there perhaps a maximum limit of projects for a free account? I have five already.

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

my survey meets the preconditions, but at the bottom of the page there is no button to create a new project.

Most likley you did not provide a sufficient description of your study.

Please make sure to complete the form properly.

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